黃惠鑛 主任


  • 學經歷:
    • 教育部部定副教授

    • 台北醫學大學醫學系畢業

    • 台北榮民總醫院骨科部住院醫師、總醫師、手外科臨床研究員

    • 台北榮民總醫院骨科部主治醫師

    • 中華民國骨科專科醫師、手外科專科醫師、骨質疏鬆症專科醫師

    • 臺灣手外科醫學會第15屆監事、第16屆常務監事、第17屆監事及第18屆理事

    • 中華民國骨科醫學會第23屆健保委員會委員、FJMD編輯委員會委員

    • 中華民國骨科醫學會第22屆醫療諮詢委員會委員

    • 2020 SNQ國家品質標章 (遠端橈骨骨折治療, 國品字號:B00882)

    • 美國手外科醫學會(The American Society for Surgery of the Hand/ASSH)會員

    • 國立陽明交通大學醫學院醫學系骨科學科兼任講師

    • 國軍桃園總醫院 進修手腕關節鏡手術

    • 北京積水潭醫院 進修手外傷及手部先天畸形治療

    • 義大醫院 進修臂叢神經及皮瓣重建手術

    1. 2011台灣骨科專科醫師考試全國榜首
    2. 2017 Korean Society for Surgery of Hand (韓國手外科醫學會) invited travelling fellow (台灣手外科推薦代表)
    3. 2019 Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand (日本手外科醫學會) invited travelling fellow (台灣手外科推薦代表)
    4. 2021 12月份The American Society for Surgery of the Hand (美國手外科醫學會)邀稿特刊 (ASSH perspectives)
    1. 腦中風及頸椎損傷之神經移植功能重建
    2. 臂叢神經損傷治療重建
    3. 手部複雜疾病及創傷治療
    4. 上、下肢神經損傷或病變之治療及功能重建
    5. 手部或上肢嚴重創傷後矯正及功能重建
    6. 肌腱轉移或重建手術
    7. 手部、腕部創傷及運動傷害治療
    8. 手部腫瘤切除及組織功能重建
    9. 腕關節鏡手術、手指關節鏡手術、手部微創手術
    10. 手部及指甲畸(變)形矯正及重建手術





    1. Huang HK, Su YP, Chen CM, Chiu FY, Liu CL; Displaced femoral neck fractures in young adults treated with closed reduction and internal fixation. Orthopedics. 2010 Dec 1;33(12):873.
    2. Huang HK, Chiang CC, Hung SH, Su YP, Chiu FY, Liu CL, Chen TH; The role of autologous bone graft in surgical treatment of hypertrophic nonunion of midshaft clavicle fractures. J Chin Med Assoc2012 May;75(5):216-220.
    3. Ma HL, *Huang HK, Chiang ER, Wang ST, Hung SC, Liu CL; Arthroscopic pancapsular plication for multidirectional shoulder instability in overhead athletes. Orthopedics. 2012 Apr;35(4):e497-502.
    4. Huang HK, Chiang CC, Su YP, Feng CK, Chiu FY, Liu CL, Chen TH; Role of autologous bone graft in the surgical treatment of atrophic nonunion of midshaft clavicular fractures. Orthopedics. 2012 Feb 17;35(2):e197-201.
    5. Hui-Kuang Huang, Cheng-Fong Chen, Chao-Ching Chiang, Ching-Kuei Huang, Wei-Ming Chen, Chien-Lin Liu. Accelerated patellofemoral joint erosion: A complication of isolated resurfacing of an arthritic patella with a polyethylene component. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2013 Nov; 4(4):119-123.
    6. Wu CY, Huang HK, Wu PK, Chen WM, Lai MC, Chung LH. Acremonium species combined with Penicillium species infection in hip hemiarthroplasty: a case report and literature review. Hip Int. 2014 Dec 5; 24(6): 656-659.
    7. Huang HK, Wang JP, Wang ST, Liu YA, Huang YC, Liu CL. Outcomes and complications after percutaneous release for trigger digits in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. J Hand Surg. Eur Vol. 2015 Sep;40(7):735-739.
    8. Huang HK, Wang JP, Wang ST, Huang YC, Liu CL. Freehand technique with the predrilled hole method for ulnar-shortening osteotomy. J Chin Med Assoc. 2016 Feb;79(2):77-82. 2016 Feb;79(2):77-82.
    9. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang, Shih-Tien Wang, Yi-Chao Huang, Chien-Lin Liu. The Pre-Drilled Hole Method in The Freehand Technique for Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy: A Case Series Study. Acta Orthop Belg. 2016, 3 (82/3) 656-662.
    10. Huang HK, Wang JP, Lin CJ, Huang YC, Huang TF, Chang MC. Short-term Versus Long-term Outcomes After Open or Percutaneous Release for Trigger Thumb. Orthopedics. 2016 Oct 25:1-5.
    11. Hui-Kuang Huang, Yuan-Chang Dai, Bor-Sen Wang, Ming-Chau Chang, Chien-Lin Liu. Giant Cell tumor of the metacarpal treated by marginal resection, fibular graft and silicone metacarpophalangeal joint implant arthroplasty. A case report. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2016 Nov; 7(4):219-224.
    12. Lin CJ, Huang HK, Wang ST, Huang YC, Liu CL, Wang JP. Open versus percutaneous release for trigger digits: Reversal between short-term and long-term outcomes. J Chin Med Assoc. 2016 Jun;79(6):340-4.
    13. Hui-Kuang Huang, Fang-Chieh Lien, Wei-Hsing Chih. A method of avoiding skin irritation from outside-in suture knots in wrist scope surgery. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery. 4 (2017) 36–37.
    14. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang, Ming-Chau Chang. Repair of Pronator Quadratus with Partial Muscle Split and Distal Transfer for Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures. J Hand Surg Am. 2017 Nov;42(11):935.e1-935.e5.
    15. Hui-Kuang Huang, Yi-Chao Huang, Jung-Pan Wang, Ming-Chau Chang. A Sandwich Method using Kapandji Intrafocal Pinning to Facilitate Palmar Plating of Displaced Distal Radius Fractures. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2017 Sep;21(3):121-126.
    16. Pai-Han Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang, Yu-An Liu, Yi-Chao Huang, Ming-Chau Chang. Recurrence rate of the Paine Retinaculotome Carpal Tunnel Release in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients at Long-term Follow-up. J Chin Med Assoc. 2017 Oct;80(10):669-672.
    17. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. A Method to Facilitate “Nonsticking” of Regular Bipolar Forceps. J Hand Microsurg. 2017 Aug;9(2):113-114.
    18. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-PanWang, Yi-Chao Huang. A simple method for wrist ganglion staining with diluted surgical marking pen ink in arthroscopic resection and avoiding dye leakage-related subcutaneous discoloration. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery. 2018 Jan-Apr;5(1):61-63.
    19. Wang JP, Huang HK, Fufa D. Radial Distraction to Stabilize Distal Radioulnar Joint in Distal Radius Fixation. J Hand Surg Am. 2018 May;43(5):493.e1-493.e4.
    20. Hsiung W, Huang HK, Wang JP. Percutaneous capsulotomy for treatment of digital mucous cysts. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Mar;44(3):321-323.
    21. Chen KJ, Huang HK, Wang JP. Double antegrade intramedullary pinning for proximal phalangeal neck fractures in children. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Mar;44(3):323-325.
    22. Huang HK, Wu CH, Tu YK. Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon for extensor retinaculum reconstruction in dorsal plating of the wrist. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Jun;44(5):542-543.
    23. Hui-Kuang Huang, Tung-Yeh Tsai, Jung-Pan Wang. Reduction and Association of the Lunotriquetral Ligament for Reverse Perilunate Dislocation. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2019;8(6):508-512.
    24. Ting-Chien Tsai, Chien-Chin Chen, *Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. Modified Sauve-Kapandji Procedure Using Iliac Bone Graft for Giant Cell Tumor of the Distal Ulna: Stabilizing with Two-Screw Fixation: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connector. 2019 Apr-Jun;9(2):e0299.
    25. Hui-Kuang Huang, Chin-Hsien Wu, Jung-Pan Wang, MD, Yuan-Kun Tu. Combined Pedicled Vascularized and Wedge Nonvascularized Bone Graft for Treating Scaphoid Waist Nonunion with Humpback Deformity. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2019 Dec;23(4):155-159.
    26. Hui-Kuang Huang, Shiuan-Hau Hsu, Feng-Chi Hsieh, Kai-Hui Chang, Heuy-Ling Chu, Jung-Pan Wang. Extra-articular Corrective Osteotomy with Bone Grafting to Achieve Lengthening and Regain Alignment for Distal Radius Fracture Malunion. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2019 Dec;23(4):186-190.
    27. Yi-Chao Huang, Hui-Kuang Huang, Yu-An Liu, Jung-Pan Wang, Ming-Chau Chang. Long-Term Results of Modified Ligament Reconstruction and Tendon Interposition for Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis. J Chin Med Assoc. 2019 Aug;82(8):655-658.
    28. Tzu-Cheng Yang, Duretti Fufa, Hui-Kuang Huang, Yi-Chao Huang, Ming-Chau Chang, Jung-Pan Wang. Percutaneous A1 Pulley Release Combined with Finger Splint for Trigger Finger with Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Flexion Contracture. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2019 Sep;24(3):270-275.
    29. Yin CY, Huang HK, Wang JP. Antegrade intramedullary pinning and stepwise tenolysis for malunion of the proximal phalanx with flexor tendon adhesion. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 Dec;44(10):1091-1092.
    30. Yin CY, Huang HK, Wang JP. Callus release and dynamic external fixation for delayed presentation of proximal interphalangeal joint fracture-dislocations. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2020;45(2):195-197.
    31. Huang HK, Wang JP, Tu YK. A modified "interrupted" method with resting of the suture needle on the vessel wall for microvascular anastomosis. Microsurgery. 2020;40(1):89-90. Honored as “Cover Image”
    32. Chen KJ, Wang JP, Yin CY, Huang HK, Chang MC, Huang YC. Fixation of fifth metacarpal neck fractures: a comparison of medial locking plates with intramedullary K-wires. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2020;45(6):567-573.
    33. Wang JP, Huang HK, Tu YK. Double fascicular nerve transfer for deltoid and triceps paralysis in a posterior cord lesion of the brachial plexus: a case report. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2020 Oct;45(8):876-878.
    34. Hsiung W, Huang HK, Chen TM, Chang MC, Wang JP. The outcome of minimally invasive surgery for digital mucous cyst: a 2-year follow-up of percutaneous capsulotomy. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020 Jun 1:1-7.
    35. Huang HK, Huang YC, Wang JP. Arthroscopic bone grafting and scapholunate fixation in the management of proximal scaphoid nonunion after plate fixation: a case report. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2020;45(6):647-649.
    36. Yao SH, Wang JP, *Huang HK. Vascularized bone graft and scapholunate fixation for proximal scaphoid nonunion: a case report. Case Reports Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2020 Jul 13;7(1):83-87.
    37. Hsiung W, Huang HK, Wang JP, Chang MC, Huang YC. Arthroscopic realignment and osteosynthesis of unstable scaphoid nonunion with cancellous bone graft from the ipsilateral radius. Int Orthop. 2021 Jan;45(1):191-197.
    38. Wang JP, Huang HK, Shih JT. Arthroscopic-assisted reduction, bone grafting and screw fixation across the scapholunate joint for proximal pole scaphoid nonunion. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Dec 10;21(1):834.
    39. Huang HK, Lee SK, Huang YC, Yin CY, Chang MC, Wang JP. Long-term radiographic outcomes and functional evaluation of ulnar shortening osteotomy in patients with ulnar impaction syndrome and reverse oblique sigmoid notch: a retrospective case series study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Feb 3;22(1):136.
    40. Wang JP, Liao YT, Wu SH, Huang HK, Chou PH, Chiang ER. Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from a Hypoxic Culture Reduce Cartilage Damage. Stem Cell Rev Rep. 2021 Oct;17(5):1796-1809.
    41. Wu SH, Liao YT, Hsueh KK, Huang HK, Chen TM, Chiang ER, Hsu SH, Tseng TC, Wang JP. Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells From a Hypoxic Culture Improve Neuronal Differentiation and Nerve Repair. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Apr 30;9:658099.
    42. Hems T, Wang JP, Huang HK, Tu YK. Re: Wang J-P, Huang H-K, Tu Y-K. Double fascicular nerve transfer for deltoid and triceps paralysis in a posterior cord lesion of the brachial plexus: a case report. J Hand Surg Eur. 2021 Jun;46(5):564-565.
    43. Lo IN, Yin CY, Yu JH, Huang HK, Huang YC, Wang JP. Tendon repair with intercalated partial extensor carpi radialis longus tendon graft for chronic extensor pollicis longus tendon rupture. J Chin Med Assoc. 2021 Jul 1;84(7):728-732.
    44. Huang CW, Yin CY, Huang HK, Chen TM, Yang CY, Huang YC, Chang MC, Wang JP. Influential factors of surgical decompression for ulnar nerve neuropathy in Guyon's canal. J Chin Med Assoc. 2021 Sep 1;84(9):885-889.
    45. Chen KJ, Wang JP, Huang HK, Huang YC. An investigation of dynamic ulnar impingement after the Darrach procedure with ultrasonography. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2022 Oct;56(5):277-284.
    46. Chun-Ching Lu, Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. Direct End-to-End Neurorrhaphy for Wrist-Level Long Nerve Defect with Fixation of the Wrist in Flexion: Technique Note. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 2021 May 10;11(4):362-366.
    47. Ma HH, Chen YC, Huang HK, Huang YC, Chang MC, Wang JP. Comparing radial lengthening osteotomy with ulnar shortening osteotomy to treat ulnar impaction syndrome after distal radius fracture malunion. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2022 Mar;142(3):525-531.
    48. Hung WC, Wang JP, Huang YC, Yin CY, Wu CY, *Huang HK. Arthroscopic-assisted radiocarpal ligaments tensioning for dynamic radiocarpal instability. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Feb 17;23(1):158.
    49. Ma HH, Huang HK, Yin CY, Huang YC, Chang MC, Wang JP. Radial distraction may reduce the incidence of ulnar-sided wrist pain in ulna-plus morphology intraoperatively following distal radius fractures fixation. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Jun 15;23(1):580.
    50. Yin CY, Huang HK, Fufa D, Wang JP. Radius distraction during volar plating of distal radius fractures may improve distal radioulnar joint stability at minimum 3-year follow-up: a retrospective case series study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Feb 24;23(1):181.
    51. Huang HK, Wu CH, Huang YC, Yin CY, Hung WC, Wang JP. Lateral Approach for Scaphoid Excision and Capitolunate Arthrodesis in the Treatment of Scapholunate Advanced Collapse and Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse Wrists: A Case Series. Orthop Surg. 2023 Jan;15(1):347-354.
    52. Huang HK, Huang YC, Hung WC, Yin CY, Lo IN, Wang JP. Outcomes of Percutaneous Pinning for Interfragmentary Fixation in Treating Bennett Fractures With Tiny Avulsion Fragments. Orthopedics. 2023 Mar-Apr;46(2):103-107.
    53. Li YW, Ma CH, Huang HK, Lin KJ, Wu CH, Tu YK. Use of Silicone Tubes as Antiadhesion Devices in a Modified Two-Stage Flexor Tendon Reconstruction in Zone II: A Retrospective Study. J Hand Surg Am. 2023 May;48(5):444-451.
    54. Kuo HM, Huang HK, Yin CY, Huang YC, Wang JP. Innovative Approach to Unicondylar Proximal Phalangeal Fracture Fixation: Combining Antegrade Intramedullary Pinning With Flexion Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Transfixation. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2023 Aug 3. doi: 10.1097/BTH.0000000000000449. Epub ahead of print.
    55. Huang HK, Wu CH, Huang YC, Yin CY, Huang SL, Wang JP. Dual Parallel Intramedullary K-Wires for Arthrodesis of the Finger Distal or Thumb Interphalangeal Joints. Orthop Surg. 2023 Sep 8. doi: 10.1111/os.13852. Epub ahead of print.
    56. Lee KH, Huang HK, Wang JP. A Modified Approach for Arthroscopic Excision of Dorsal Midcarpal Ganglion Cysts Using Radiocarpal Portals. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2023 Sep 11. doi: 10.1097/BTH.0000000000000452. Epub ahead of print.
    57. Huang HK, Hsueh KK, Liao YT, Wu SH, Chou PH, Yeh SH, Wang JP. Multilineage differentiation potential in the infant adipose-and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Chin Med Assoc. 2023 Sep 11. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000000990. Epub ahead of print.
    58. Lo IN, Yin CY, Huang HK, Huang YC, Wang JP. Outcomes of radiocarpal pinning to facilitate nerve repair in wrist level ulnar nerve injuries with defect. J Chin Med Assoc. 2023 Sep 19. doi: 10.1097/JCMA.0000000000001000. Epub ahead of print.


    1. 黃惠鑛, 陳威明, 陳正豐, 李光申, 江昭慶, 黃清貴, 陳天雄.Acute Infection of Prosthetic Knee Joint following a Dog Bite: A case Report,2007骨科醫學會年會
    2. 黃惠鑛, 江昭慶, 黃清貴, 陳正豐, 陳威明, 陳天雄.Outcome of Surgical Treatment for Talus Fractures,2008骨科醫學會年會
    3. 黃惠鑛, 馬筱笠, 蔣恩榮, 洪士杰, 劉建麟, 陳天雄.Clinical Outcome of Arthroscopic Capsular Plication for Multidirectional Shoulder Instability,2009骨科醫學會年會
    4. 黃惠鑛, 邱方遙, 蘇宇平, 陳全木, 劉建麟, 陳天雄.Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures of Young Adults Treated with Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation,2010骨科醫學會年會
    5. 黃惠鑛, 邱方遙, 蘇宇平, 陳全木, 劉建麟, 陳天雄. The Role of Autologous Bone Graft in Surgical Treatment of Atrophic Nonunion of Midshaft Clavicular Fractures, 2011骨科醫學會年會
    6. 黃惠鑛. Short-term Outcomes of Wrist Surgery with Concomitant Partial Wrist Denervation, 102年度雲嘉骨科月會
    7. 黃惠鑛. Outcome of Arthroscopic Bone Grafting For Outcome of Arthroscopic Bone Grafting For Scaphoid Nonunion and Delayed Union –Experience of CYCH, 103年度雲嘉骨科月會
    8. Jung-Pan Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang. Percutaneous Release for Trigger Digits between Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients. 70th (2015) Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). (E-poster)
    9. 黃惠鑛. Percutaneous Release for Trigger Digits: A Comparative Study between Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients. 2015中華民國手外科醫學會年會
    10. 黃惠鑛. Percutaneous Release for Trigger Digits: A Comparative Study between Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients. 2015骨科醫學會年會
    11. 黃惠鑛, 王榮磻, 黃意超, 黃東富, 張明超. Repair of Pronator Quadratus with Partial Muscle Split and Distal Transfer for Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures. 2016骨科醫學會年會
    12. 黃惠鑛. Arthroscopic TFCC Treatment in the Patients with Ulna Plus.106年度[台灣骨科創傷&手外科聯合學術研討會]
    13. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang, Ming-Chau Chang. Repair of Pronator Quadratus with Partial Muscle Split and Distal Transfer for Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures. 2017 American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS) Annual Meeting. (Electronic Poster)
    14. 黃惠鑛. Perforator flap.骨科肢體重建高峰會論壇 (2017,symposium)
    15. 黃惠鑛. Phalanx and Metacarpal Bone Fracture. 2017春季骨科醫學會年會(symposium)
    16. 黃惠鑛, 王榮磻, 黃意超, 黃東富, 張明超. A Straightforward Method of Distal Radius Corrective Osteotomy to Achieve Lengthening and Regain Alignment in Treating Distal Radius Malunion. 2017 骨科醫學會年會
    17. Jung-Pan Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang, Duretti Fufa. Radial Distraction to Stabilize Distal Radioulnar Joint in Distal Radius Fixation. 2017 Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). (E-poster)
    18. Jung-Pan Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang, Duretti Fufa. Radial Distraction to Stabilize Distal Radioulnar Joint in Distal Radius Fixation. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (APFSSH). (E-poster)
    19. Hui-Kuang Huang. How Do Ulnar Shortening Help Young Hand Surgeon in Treating Ulnar Wrist Pain? 2017 Annual Meetning of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (KSSH).
    20. Hui-Kuang Huang. A Straightforward Method: Combination of Wedge Non-vascularized and Pedicled Vascularized Bone Graft for Treatment of Scaphoid Fracture Nonunion with Humpback Deformity. 2017 Annual Meetning of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (KSSH).
    21. Hui-Kuang Huang. Painful Experience in Treating A Case with Complex Upper Extremity Injuries. 107 年度第74 次春季骨科聯合學術研討會
    22. Hui-Kuang Huang. Ulnar shortening: A Simple Method to Help Young Hand Surgeon in Treating Ulnar Wrist Pain. 2018中華民國手外科醫學會年會(symposium)
    23. Hui-Kuang Huang. The Difference between Treating Ulnar Nerve Injury and Other Peripheral Nerve Injuries. 107年度雲嘉骨科月會
    24. Kuan-Jung Chen, Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. The Outcomes of Double Antegrade Pinning for Fixation of the Pediatric Proximal Phalangeal Neck Fractures. 2018 Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) (Boston). (E-poster)
    25. Wei Hsiung, Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. Percutaneous Capsulotomy for Recurrent Digital Mucous Cysts.2018 Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) (Boston). (E-poster)
    26. Hui-Kuang Huang, Jung-Pan Wang. Extra-Articular Corrective Osteotomy to Achieve Lengthening and Regain Alignment for Distal Radius Fracture Malunion: A Straightforward Technique. 2018 Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) (Boston). (E-poster)
    27. Hui-Kuang Huang. Tendon Injuries after Radius Fracture. 2018 骨科醫學會年會 (symposium)
    28. Hui-Kuang Huang. Tendon injury (EPL&FPL) in DRF. 2019台灣手外科醫學會第十五屆第二次CME
    29. Hui-Kuang Huang. Correction for DRF malunion (Key&Pitfall). 2019台灣手外科醫學會第十五屆第二次CME
    30. Hui-Kuang Huang. The Application of Sauve-Kapandji Procedure in the Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of Distal Ulna. 2019春季骨科醫學會年會
    31. Hui-Kuang Huang.Practical Methods for Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures and Complications Prevention. 62nd Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand (JSSH) Annual Meeting (Travelling fellow)
    32. Hui-Kuang Huang. Extensor carpi radialis longus tendon for extensor retinaculum reconstruction in dorsal plating of the wrist. 2019中華民國手外科醫學會年會
    33. Hui-Kuang Huang. Long-term radiographic and clinical outcomes of ulnar shortening osteotomy in patients with ulnar impaction syndrome and reverse oblique sigmoid notch. 2019中華民國手外科醫學會年會
    34. Hui-Kuang Huang. If we have the fear of tendon injuries after plating for distal radius fractures, why not to protect them? 2019中華民國手外科醫學會年會(symposium)
    35. Hui-Kuang Huang. Optimizing Clinical Outcome of Transscaphoid Perilunate Fracture Dislocation. 2019 Pan Asia Orthopedic Trauma Symposium
    36. Jung-Pan Wang, Hui-Kuang Huang, Yi-Chao Huang. Long-term Outcomes and Morphological Changes in the Reverse Obliquity Sigmoid Notch after Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy. 2019 Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) (Las Vegas). (E-poster)
    37. Hui-Kuang Huang. Arthroscopic Reduction-Association of the Scapholunate (ARASL) Procedure for Proximal Pole Scaphoid Nonunion. 2018 骨科醫學會年會 (symposium)
    38. Hui-Kuang Huang. Synthes volar rim plate/Acumed plate for distal radius fractures. 2019 TWSS Simulative Hand Surgery Workshop
    39. Hui-Kuang HuangArthroscopic Treatment for Proximal Pole Scaphoid Fracture Nonunions. 2019冬季聯合研討會 -中華民國關節鏡及膝醫學會與台灣肩肘關節醫學會
    40. Hui-Kuang HuangMy Hand Surgery Fellowship Training: Taiwan and Mainland China. 2020中華民國手外科醫學會年會(symposium)
    41. Hui-Kuang HuangPedicled Flaps for Lower Extremity Reconstruction. 64th Annual Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (Webinar)
    42. Hui-Kuang HuangTips and Pearls in Plate osteosynthesis for Distal Radius Fractures. 2020 DePuy Synthes Trauma Workshop (Chiayi, Taiwan)
    43. Hui-Kuang HuangTreatment of Extra/Intraarticular Malunion, Distal Radius. 2020台灣骨創醫學會學術研討會
    44. Hui-Kuang Huang. A modified “interrupted” method with resting of the suture needle on the vessel wall for microvascular anastomosis. 台灣顯微重建外科醫學會第三屆第一次學術研討會 (free paper 比賽第二名)
    45. Hui-Kuang HuangPIPj Fracture & Dislocation: paper review & update.台灣手外科醫學會第十六屆第二次繼續教育課程(CME)
    46. Hui-Kuang HuangRescue surgery in distal radius fracture. 台灣手外科醫學會 Current Concept in Common Hand Surgery
    47. Hui-Kuang Huang. Treatment of Comminuted and Complex Distal Radius Fractures with Acumed Plate. 2021年台灣骨科創傷醫學會學術研討會
    48. Hui-Kuang HuangComplex Carpal Fractures.台灣手外科醫學會第十六屆第五次繼續教育課程(CME)
    49. Hui-Kuang Huang. Radiocarpal Fracture-Dislocations.  2021 AO Trauma Masters Course
    50. Hui-Kuang HuangPhalangeal Injuries 2021 Hand & Wrist Bioskill
    51. Hui-Kuang HuangArtificial Arthroplasty.  2021中華民國骨科醫學會年會 (symposium)
    52. Hui-Kuang HuangHow to treat complex distal radius fracture. 2022 Advanced Trauma Conference of Upper Extremity (台灣骨科創傷醫學會)
    53. Hui-Kuang HuangCapral Tunnel Syndrome (Open Vs Endoscopic Release, Revision) (Symposium)  2022中華民國春季骨科醫學會年會
    54. Hui-Kuang Huang1. Arthroscopy for acute or subacute scaphoid fracture; 2. Arthroscopy for scaphoid non-union.  2022 IRCAD Wrist Arthroscopy Course, Taiwan- Basic and Intermediate Course Training of Anatomical Specimen
    55. Hui-Kuang HuangScapholunate Fixation Method for Proximal Scaphoid Nonunions. 66th Annual Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (KOA) (Webinar)
    56. Hui-Kuang Huang. Scapholunate Ligament Injuries: Management Principles. 2022 骨科醫學會年會 (symposium)
    57. Hui-Kuang Huang. Carpal fusion. 2022 TWSS Simulative Hand Surgery Workshop
    58. Hui-Kuang Huang. Lateral Approach for Scaphoid Excision and Capitolunate Arthrodesis in the Treatment of Scapholunate Advanced Collapse and Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse. 13th APFSSH & 8th APWA (2023亞太手外科醫學會&亞太腕關節醫學會)
    59. Hui-Kuang Huang. Dynamic Distraction External Fixation for Delayed Pilon Fractures of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint. Inaugural Meeting of APOA Hand & Upper Limb Society 2023. (In addition, to serve as the moderator in “Free Paper: Hand- Distal radius fracture” session) 2023亞太骨科醫學會
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